LHS TD CLUB - Information / Opportunities

13 Feb by Nathan Culbertson

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our meeting last night. As mentioned last night, our priority this time of year is filling positions on our TD Club Board so we are ready to get going as Spring approaches.

I have attached a list of all positions. Please contact me directly if you are interested in helping and possibly taking on one of the roles or assisting in a particular area.

The coaches have big plans for this program and as Coach Cathcart mentioned last night, the booster club is vital in making those things happen. We need to have as many parents involved as possible.

I have also attached a sponsor level breakdown from last year. It may change some this year but should be a good starting point if you have a friend / family member/ business associate / etc that would be interested in a sponsorship. Coach Segars has asked that we not start knocking on doors until March.

Please be on the lookout for a late Winter or Spring fundraiser.

The TD Club will meet again in late March / early April. I will send out details once they are finalized.

Please spread the word. We would like to have all parents involved – Varsity, JV, Middle School and LEA.

Sorry for the lengthy message. Thank you all for your assistance. I look forward to working with you.

Nathan Culbertson
(770) 356-3365

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